Slasher horror movies... Well if you are a fan of the genre, this movie will blow your mind. Not your everyday slasher I must
say. The killing parts might be similar to those from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Lake Dead, The Hills Have Eyes, Wrong Turn, Hostel and so on, however I really enjoyed it. It was one of the most beautiful love stories ever, until the strange ending... The whole story gives you a very romanticised, indie, goth-ish, glam death, porn kind of feeling, all in one. I won't spoil it for those of you who would like to watch it.

I think I just became a Jonathan Levine fan tonight. He did an exceptional job, not only because of the plot, but because of the great frames as well. I was really expecting a usual slasher, which is just fine after a tiring day of work. I thought it would offer me a hint of excitement, but enough of those scenes which would bore me, because of the overused themes. Well it was a really pleasant surprise ^_^.
So it's a must see! (but I emphasize it again, only for the slasher fans).
Good night! ^_^
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