Some people complain about me not answering their messages, some people just ignore me and they don't even tell me that they sent me a message which remained unreplied. How I hate this hi-tech world, where you are obliged to learn text message etiquette and give a thousand explanations if you just don't feel like answering your phone or replying on the messenger, in order to avoid upsetting others...
A phone call, a text message or an e-mail can become the most important thing in your life and if you don't receive it because of a technical error or any other reason for that matter, it can mess up everything...
It was so nice when in high school we didn't even use mobile phones or messenger and we just set up a date and everyone showed up, there weren't any last minute cancellation text messages. Unforunately I have to admit that I became addicted to my phone and to the messenger, but I am still very nostalgig about the phoneless times...
Off topic--> film reccomendation: A home at the end of the world and Mysterious skin
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