I'm really afraid of the circus and especially of clowns. It might have something to do with Stephen King's IT (not to confuse IT -Pennywise- with cousin It from the Adams family!!! :P Btw I'm a big fan of Wednesday), I really don't know... Anyway, all I know is that when I see the McDonald's clown I want to punch him in the face and run screaming for my life. (please bare in mind the late hours, thus the fact that I am a bit overdramatizing and I also fail to be coherent).
If you watched Carnivale on HBO, you might understand my fear of the circus. I find it the most grotesque and the sickest thing on Earth, not to mention what they do to the poor animals (I take advantage of this topic and post a link to PETA2: http://www.peta2.com/TakeCharge/t-fightcircus.asp).In case if you're out of any ideas on how to scare the sh*t out of me, don't send me a box filled with snakes and spiders and worms and mice and rats and aligators and cats and cockroaches, just dress up as a clown and you'll succeed.
So good night again and I hope I can go to sleep safe, because I know that some clowns might have sneaked under my bed... >_<
That is why i keep a paire of dirty socks under my bed :P