First of all being pregnant is a really cool, even if there are some days when it can cause quite a great discomfort, but it's worth every second of it. Now, the attitude of some people towards a pregnant woman can be absolutely horrible and annoying to say the least.
Never ever tell a pregnant woman that she's huge, she's not huge, she has a baby of the size of a watermelon in her belly, the only thing that's huge is the difference from being fat or massive or whatever. I actually got to the point when I was sporting a tee saying: I'm not fat, I'm pregnant.
You might not know, but it's a superpower to grow babies in your womb, I bet all the ignorant people who say these absolutely ridiculous comments don't even have one to begin with. We rock moms! ^_^
Also touching and even kissing the belly. Why on earth would you want to do that? As long as I don't walk around touching other people's bellies, I don't see what entitles anyone to do so just because there is a baby inside. What I do when someone just jumps in front af me and starts rubbing my belly I just do the same to them, which causes an awkward situation and some of them actually get the point. On the other hand at least some have the decency and ask before they do it. Anyway my opinion on this is that rubbing a pregnant woman's belly is like rubbing the hunch of the Hunchback of Notre Dame just becuse it's there. Not very nice.
When are you due, is it a boy or a girl, what are you naming him/her, are you afraid of giving birth, does it push you really bad, can you still walk and so on, everyday questions from so many people and it sucks out all of my energy. I am not an invalid, yes I still can walk perfectly fine and do everything as before. As for the rest of the questions, give me a break, would you? It's like asking someone when their birtday is or what their name is every single day. It is annoying trust me. I know that most of them mean well, but if you want to be helpful and nice to a mom, just leave her alone with these questions, comments and the belly rubbing routine. Being sensitive about it is the key.
Oh well, at least I got it out of my system.
Toodles! ^_^